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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Great job  with the engine.

Thanks Charles! Engine now all re-connected, I hope, and sounds good. Everything seems to work as originally intended and I've just put in the last 4 tiny screws that secure the hinges of the engine box. Thanks to all of you with acheing appendages - time to relax them a bit until Sunday, when we will leave, AGW.

Second round with Dra. Bruno this afternoon and with luck the final stoush at 10.00 aturday. Meantime, putting the boat back together and a bit of exploring - I'm off to the National Archives tomorrow if I can work the subway system. That's where the remaining records of the C15 voyages are kept - all that's left after the 1755 fire and earthquake.
Thanks for all your messages on B2 gmail - I cant get to them at the mo because my link is misbehaving so I'll send this and hope it goes.

Now for the Daily Examiner

Biggish couple of days. Re-installed the wind generator yesterday evening with Mr Fernando from Telextronica - still not enugh wind to turn the thing but he's confident.

And the parts eventually emerged from customs midday today and we took the whole thing apart, lifted the engine, re-aligned the bellhousing, changed gearboxes and reassembled it all. I'm covered in bruises around the chest and ribs and cuts all over my hands from the pointy bits of hose clips but - Daily Examiner permitting - it's done except for a bit of minor connection tomorrow. I'll try to write the story in a bit more detail in case anyone else ever wants to do it and put it on the blog somewhere. We worked out a different way of lifting the engine this time and it worked much better. Still not easy.

Massive bearhug for John Witchard (Witchard Marine Diesel in Sydney) for putting together the realignment tool and all the allen keys and bolts and instructions. It all worked , John - about  a 6 hour job and full of beartraps but it's now the third time I've done it (I think...)and all the beartraps are new ones. How can this be? Anyway, great job mate!

Photos - top down

Engine lifted, rotated and swinging in the breeze and the wash of the go fast plastic mob
Shredded neoprene damping material
New lift technology - explanation follows if I can get it together
Christ on the other side of the river - he's about 2 miles away - too far to monitor the comments of the local seagulls. But anyway, he's probably got a tefln haircut...

Been trying to remember all evening the name of the mob at the Resturant at the end of the Universe who were waiting for their prophet and he arrived too late for the his own sermon. The followers of Zarkon perhaps